How To Change A Dirt Bike Tube

Are you tired of getting stranded on the trails because of a flat tire?

Changing a dirt bike tube may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and a little know-how, you can do it in no time.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps to change a dirt bike tube so you can get back to riding with confidence.

Before we get started, it’s important to have all the necessary tools on hand.

You will need a tire iron, a valve stem tool, a hand pump or air compressor, and a new tube that matches the size of your tire.

If you don’t have these tools, you can purchase them at your local motorcycle shop or online.

Now that you have your tools, let’s get started on changing your dirt bike tube.

Gather the Necessary Tools

Before you can change a dirt bike tube, you’ll need to gather the necessary tools.

The first thing you’ll need is a set of tire levers, which are used to remove the tire from the rim.

You should also have a wrench on hand to remove the axle nut and loosen the tire’s rim locks.

Next, you’ll need to purchase a new tube.

There are different types of dirt bike tubes available, so make sure you purchase the correct size and type for your bike.

Some tubes are designed for specific terrains, such as rocky or muddy conditions, so choose accordingly.

Once you have your tools and a new tube, you’ll need to properly inflate the tube before installing it.

This is important to prevent the tube from being pinched or damaged during installation.

Use a tire pressure gauge to ensure that the tube is inflated to the correct pressure for your bike’s specifications.

By following these steps and taking the time to properly gather your tools, you can change a dirt bike tube with ease.

Remove the Tire

First, you’ll need to loosen the valve stem nut using pliers so the valve stem can be removed from the tube.

Then, use a tire lever to pry the tire away from the rim, starting at the valve stem.

Work your way around the tire, prying a little bit at a time, until one side of the tire is completely off the rim.

Here are some tools you’ll need to remove the tire: tire levers, pliers, and a wrench.

Make sure you have all the necessary tools before starting.

Safety precautions should also be taken when removing the tire.

Wear gloves and safety glasses to protect your hands and eyes from potential injury.

Once one side of the tire is off the rim, remove the tube from inside the tire.

Take note of how the tube is positioned so that you can put the new tube in the same way.

Inspect the tire for any damage or wear, and replace it if necessary.

Now that the tire and tube are removed, you’re ready to install the new tube.

Install the New Tube

To properly install the new tube, make sure to line up the valve stem with the hole in the rim and gently push the tube into the tire, making sure it is evenly distributed.

It is important to select the correct size tube for your dirt bike to ensure proper inflation.

The tube size can usually be found on the sidewall of the tire or in the owner’s manual.

Once the tube is in the tire, tuck the tire back onto the rim and insert the valve into the valve stem hole.

Make sure the tire is evenly seated on the rim before adding air.

You can use a tire lever to help get the tire back onto the rim if needed, but be careful not to pinch the tube or damage the tire.

Before inflating the tire, check the inside of the tire for any debris or sharp objects that may have caused the flat.

Once you are sure everything is clear, inflate the tire to the recommended pressure, which can also be found in the owner’s manual.

Be sure to check the pressure with a gauge to ensure it is not over or under-inflated.

Proper inflation is important for both performance and safety while riding your dirt bike.

Reinstall the Tire

Now that the new tube is in place, you can easily reinstall the tire by tucking it back onto the rim and inserting the valve into the valve stem hole.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Start by fitting one side of the tire bead onto the rim.

    You can use your hands or tire levers to do this.

    Once the first side is in, tuck the tube inside the tire and fit the other side of the bead onto the rim.

  • Be careful not to pinch the tube between the tire and the rim.

    This can cause a puncture or damage to the tube.

    Once the tire is in place, inflate the tube slightly so that it takes shape and stays inside the tire.

  • Now, using a tire pressure gauge, check the pressure and inflate the tire to the recommended PSI.

    Proper inflation is important not only for the bike’s performance but also for safety reasons.

    Remember to check the tire pressure regularly and maintain it at the recommended level.

Tire maintenance is an essential aspect of dirt bike ownership.

Proper inflation, regular checks, and maintenance can extend the life of your tire and improve your bike’s performance.

By following these steps, you can easily reinstall the tire and ensure that your dirt bike is ready for the next ride.

Tips and Tricks

It’s important to keep in mind that regular tire maintenance can greatly improve the performance and longevity of your dirt bike.

When changing a dirt bike tube, there are a few tips and tricks that can help make the process smoother and more efficient.

One common mistake is not properly inflating the tire before installing the tube.

It’s crucial to inflate the tire to the recommended pressure before inserting the tube.

This ensures that the tube won’t get pinched or damaged during installation, which can lead to a flat tire.

Another tip is to use tire levers or spoons to remove and install the tire.

These tools can make the job much easier and prevent damage to the tire or tube.

However, it’s important to use them carefully to avoid puncturing the tube.

When removing the tire, be sure to work slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the rim or tire.

When installing the tire, make sure the tire is properly seated on the rim before inflating it to the recommended pressure.

Proper inflation is crucial for both the tire and tube.

Overinflation can cause the tire to wear out prematurely and increase the risk of a blowout.

Underinflation can cause the tire to wear unevenly and reduce its performance.

Be sure to check the tire pressure regularly and inflate it to the recommended level.

By following these tips and tricks, you can change a dirt bike tube with confidence and ensure that your bike is performing at its best.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my dirt bike tube needs to be changed?

Check for signs of wear on your dirt bike tube, such as cracks, punctures, or bulges.

Proper maintenance includes regularly inspecting your tube for damage and replacing it when necessary to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Can I patch a dirt bike tube instead of replacing it?

Yes, you can patch a dirt bike tube instead of replacing it.

The tube patching process involves locating the puncture, sanding the area, applying glue, and affixing the patch.

Pros include saving money, while cons are decreased reliability and increased risk of a blowout.

Are there different types of dirt bike tubes available on the market?

When choosing a dirt bike tube, consider the terrain and the type of riding you’ll do.

Heavy-duty tubes offer more puncture resistance but are heavier and more expensive.

Standard tubes are lighter and cheaper but offer less protection.

How do I prevent punctures and flats in my dirt bike tube?

Preventing punctures and choosing durable tubes are essential to avoid flats on your dirt bike.

Opt for heavy-duty tubes with thorn-resistant liners and maintain proper tire pressure.

Check for sharp objects before each ride.

How do I dispose of my old dirt bike tube in an environmentally friendly way?

To dispose of your old dirt bike tube in an eco-friendly manner, seek out recycling options.

Many bike shops and recycling centers accept old tubes.

Properly recycling your tube helps reduce waste and pollution.


Congratulations, you have successfully changed a dirt bike tube!

You now have the knowledge and skills to perform this task whenever necessary.

Remember to always gather the necessary tools, including tire levers, a new tube, and a pump.

When removing the tire, be careful not to damage the tube or the tire itself.

It may take some effort to get the tire off, but with patience and persistence, you can do it.

When installing the new tube, make sure it is properly seated and not twisted or pinched.

Finally, when reinstalling the tire, make sure it is properly aligned and inflated to the correct pressure.

By following these steps and utilizing the tips and tricks provided, you can save yourself time and money by changing your own dirt bike tube.

Remember to always prioritize safety and take your time to ensure a job well done.

Happy riding!

Photo of author
Written By Eric Miles

I am Eric Miles. I help riders of all ages and beginners understand how to improve their bike riding experience. I enjoy solving people’s problems.